Marco Tridici


Marco is a lawyer with a long experience both in dispute resolution and out-of-court fields. He assists national and international clients in litigation and arbitration proceedings related to contractual liability and tort law. He specialised in the fields of financial and corporate law, assisting clients in complex disputes concerning duties and liabilities of financial intermediaries under MiFID EU Directive, as well as sales and purchase agreements and liability of companies’ directors and top managers.

Marco gave his support for the planning and management of complex out-of-court settlements of disputes between banks and investors and has a wide experience in market abuse proceedings and other sanctioning proceedings before Consob and Banca d’Italia.

Marco has graduated cum laude in Law in 2007 at the Luigi Bocconi University of Milan, he is registered to the Milan Bar since 2012, and during his career he has collaborated with leading Italian law Firms, also publishing several contributions for important Italian law journals.

He speaks Italian and English.